Wenn du deine fstab File fehlerhaft konfiguriert hast, wird deine Linux nicht mehr starten. Du brauchst einen recovery USB oder eine dual boot Linux um das Problem zu beheben.

Lets say you have missconfigured a fstab entry and the server is looping through the boot loader. You can fix the fstab file after booting from a recovery media with the following commands:

lvm vgscan -v
# this will show your vgs

vgchange -a y ubuntu-vg
# this will activate your vg with the name ubuntu-vg

# this will list your lvs

mkdir /mnt/mount
mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv /mnt/mount

Now your lv should be mounted and you can edit your fstab file under /mnt/mount/etc/fstab.